Term Time Uniform Shop Hours:
Mondays 8am to 10am and
Wednesdays and Thursdays 3pm to 4pm

There is also a free app for both IPhone and Android.
All students attending St Rita's Primary School are expected to wear the required uniform at all times.
Uniform items are available through order from the School Uniform Shop or order form available from the school office.
All items are to be marked with student's name and class.
Click here to download the Uniform Policy >>
Uniform Requirement
St Rita's students wear their Uniforms with pride.
Our Uniform expectations and requirements are as follows:
Prep – Year Two every day
and Year 3 to Year 6 Sports Uniform
Maroon Unisex Sports Shorts
Sports House Polo
Maroon St Rita’s Bucket Hat (Prep)
Navy St Rita's Bucket Hat (Y1-2)
St Rita’s white sports socks
School Jumper or Jacket
School Tracksuit Pants (optional)
Black joggers (NO SHOELACES IN PREP.)
Years 3 -6 Girls Formal:School Dress / Formal Girl's Blouse and Skort
White Sports or Crew Socks
Winter – Optional long white socks or navy tights
White dress hat
School jumper or jacket
Black school shoes
Years 3 -6 Boys Formal:Navy Formal Shorts
Formal Day Shirt
Navy Mountcastle hat
Formal Navy Blue Striped Socks
Black school shoes
Winter: School jumper or jacket
Choir Uniform - Girls:
School Dress Navy tights White dress hat School jumper or jacket Black leather school shoes Girls in the choir must have their hair tied back in school coloured ribbons or scrunchies. |
Choir Uniform - Boys:
Navy school shorts & School shirt Navy long school socks Navy mountcastle hat School jumper or jacket Black leather school shoes |
Our school uniform is one which is distinctive and will foster pride. It has been developed to incorporate practicality, style and sun-safe features. Full correct uniform is to be worn at all times.
If a student is out of uniform, a note to the class teacher from the parent/guardian would be appreciated.
Jewellery - One sleeper or stud in each ear and a watch are acceptable.
The School has several ‘Sun Safe Procedures’ in place for the well-being of students. One such procedure is “No hat, no play”. The student will have to sit out of play if they do not have their school hat.
Students’ hairstyles should be clean and neat. Colours and styles should not draw undue attention to the student. Hair longer than collar length should be tied back. Scrunchies and ribbons are to be in school colours and are available from the uniform shop.
2nd hand Uniform Service
If any families have any uniforms they wish to sell, they can be taken to: 2nd Go, 37 Luke Street, Thornlands, or phone Kim on 3820 9881, 0412 281060.
www.2ndgouniforms.com.au or visit them on Facebook