Workplace Health & Safety

​School Visitors: This is the Policy to which all visitors to St Rita's Primary School must comply when they are on the School Grounds.


  • All persons who wish to enter an area of the School are required to first seek approval from the office.  All areas are to be secured after leaving.
  • Emergency security situations/issues can be reported to GP Security on 0409 874 667 or the Cleveland Police on 3824 9333.


Vehicles brought onto site shall be parked in designated areas. No responsibility shall be accepted for any damage incurred by a vehicle on site.


St Rita’s School grounds are designated as a Smoke Free Environment. Visitors are asked to refrain from smoking whilst​ on the grounds.

Use of Equipment

  • Visitors are asked not to use equipment other than that authorised and relevant to the task being performed.
  • If you wish to use other equipment, please request permission from an authorised person to do so.
  • If the use of any piece of equipment is unfamiliar to you, please request a demonstration of its proper use and enquire about safety precautions prior to use.
  • If you are unsure or do not feel confident about using a piece of equipment, we advise you not to use it.
  • If you bring any of your own equipment onto the site, you will be held responsible for its safety and security.
  • All equipment should be returned to its proper place after use.

Protective Equipment

Appropriate protective clothing and footwear shall be worn in all areas.


Should you or any other person be injured while on site, please report this matter to the School Office or a Leadership Team Member immediately.  All accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book, which is located in the Office.

Should an injury require medical treatment, please visit the First Aide officer located in the School Office, as soon as practicable. If, in the course of your visit, you observe anything which you feel is hazardous or a danger to others, please report this matter to the Office and request that it be recorded.

Please observe all of the above.

On Site Work
  • Upon arrival to the School, please report directly to the School Office to sign in as a visitor and ensure a "Visitor Badge" is worn at all times
  • Please ensure that you have authority (from a member of the Leadership Team) to perform the work.
  • All equipment brought onto the site must meet the requirements of the Workplace Health and Safety Act.
  • Upon reporting to the Office, you will be directed to the work site by an authorised person:  
    •  Maintenance: Principal, Assistant Principal or Groundsman
    •  Other: a member of the Leadership Team or the authorised staff member.
  • Please leave your work site clean and tidy and free of hazards. Please ensure your equipment is stored safely when you are not directly supervising it.
  • All delivery persons are to first report to the Office.

Fire Safety  & Equipment

Fire and safety equipment is located at appropriate locations throughout this school.  Fire and safety equipment shall not be used for any other purpose.

In the event of fire all persons are to go to the nearest assembly area indicated on the site plan or as directed by School Staff.


In the event of an accident, the Principal must be advised.  If an accident occurs outside of normal working hours, appropriate steps shall be taken to rectify the situation. If emergency assistance is required, telephone “000” and state the nature of assistance required. When the situation is rectified, St Rita’s School Principal is to be advised the next working day by telephone number 3207 6628.


If, during your visit to the School, an evacuation procedure is happening, you are required to go directly to the oval, so that a proper accounting of all personnel can take place. Please do not leave the school site until this has taken place. Evacuation procedures are found in key areas of the School.


At St Rita’s School, the safety of our students, staff and visitors is very important to us.

We ask that you observe our safety and security procedures so that all persons may enjoy their time at St Rita’s School.